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Tip # 5

I recently upgraded to the New AOL 7.0 but my system is crashing all the time?

I suspect your problem is memory.

The latest version of America Online's software, AOL 7.0, needs memory (RAM)

While AOL says that the Minimum System Requirements for those of you with Windows 95/98/ME include...

  • A Pentium-class processor running at 166Mhz or better.

  • 32 MB (megabytes) of RAM minimum

  • 161 MB of free space on your hard drive if you have Win95

  • 147 MB of free space on your hard drive if you have Windows 98/ME

  • 233 MB of free hard disk space if Internet Explorer version 5.5 is installed with Win95, Win98 or Windows ME

  • The fact is, you should have at least 128MB of memory (RAM) to keep it running as smoothly.

Fortunately, extra memory is running cheaper than Internet stocks now. Your local computer stores should be able to help, or you can research and purchase RAM online from ZDNet Shopper.