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Tip # 7

Q:  I tryed the anti-popup software that you sent me a e-mail about, but how come it doesn't work on AOL? How do I stop pop-up ads in America Online? Thanks, Jennifer

A:  Hey Jennifer that's a very good question and one that BUGGED my family the whole time we were on AOL.  Hope I can help you.  You may want to print this E-mail reply for future reference.  OK here we go.  The next time you log on to AOL, click on Settings, then click on Preferences.

Now, look for Account Controls. Under Account Controls, you should see Marketing. Click on that.

When the Marketing Preferences window opens up, look for Pop-up. Hit it. AOL will now try to seduce you like Salome with promises of wonderful, you're-so-special, life-altering, up-with-people goodies. Ignore them. Click on the Continue button instead.

When you see the next box, you'll get two choices. Look for the one that says "No, I do not want to receive special AOL members-only pop-up offers" and click the circle to the left of it.

Hit OK and you're done. You should see an immediate decline and fall of those pop-ups.

Questions or comments should be directed to help@raypublishing.org

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