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Version 1.2Click here to Bookmark Player!

* Beta Test Results
(Ends Friday January 11, 2001)
bullet12-19-2001 Webmaster Beta Test -  Reload Link Test - Passed
bullet12-20-2001 Webmaster Beta Test - Download Player Test - Passed
bullet12-20-2001 Webmaster Browser Test - MSIE 5.0 - Passed
bullet12-21-2001 Webmaster Browser Test Opera 6.0 - Failed
bullet12-22-2001 Beta Tester Beta Test - Browser compatible; MSIE 5.5 with Windows 98 - Like Player.  Comments: The output seemed a little low. Sounds like it is in a tunnel. - Passed
bullet12-22-2001 Beta Tester Beta Test - Compatible; Netscape 4.5; Windows Me - Like Player. Comments: Very Fast Loading - Passed
bullet12-22-2001 - Webmaster Browser Test Netscape - Mozilla/4.08 [en] (Win98; U) - No problem downloading plug-in - Streamed smooth. - Passed
bullet12-22-2001 Webmaster Browser Test Opera 6.0 Final Test - Failed
Does not support Active X Controls.
bullet12-22-2001 Beta Tester Beta Test - Browser compatible; MSIE 5.5 with Windows NT - Like Player.  Comments: The player downloaded and installed with no problems - Passed
bullet12-22-23, 2001 Player uptime test.  11.7 Hours continued through 8:00 AM Sunday December 23, 2001.  24 hour test - Passed
bulletAOL Test will be Sunday, December 23, 2001
bullet12-23-2001 Beta Tester - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Q312461) - Like Player.  Comments: Good Job - Passed
bullet12-23-24, 2001 Webmaster Cable Modem AOL Browser Test 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 - Passed
bullet12-24-2001 Beta Tester - Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) - Like Player.  Comments: Great job Scott. - Passed
bullet12-24-2001 Webmaster Note:  Our test have been quite successful.  Test will resume and live link will be placed on WBFJ website when I get it cleared with WBFJ Manager Promotions Manager and Editor.  Thank You for everyone's input.  E. S. Ray
bullet12-26-2001 Webmaster Browser & Phone line Modem Test # 1  AOL 6.0 - Failed Did not load proxy settings also did not open player in default player size settings.  Program said to try again later?
bullet12-26-2001 Webmaster Browser & Dial-up Modem Test # 1  AOL 6.0 - Passed.  Streaming very smooth, as well as loading fast.  
bullet12-29-2001 - Webmaster Player Test - Three different computer systems.  Win 95, Win 98, Win Me, Win XP PRO, IE 5.0, Netscape 4.5, Netscape 6.0 - Dial-up Modem, Cable Modem - Failed Program said to try again later?  Stream has been down from Saturday  December 29- January 3 and is still down.  WBFJ & Streamaudio are checking on the problem.  Beta test will resume when problem is corrected.
bullet01-04-2002 - Update.  Webmaster Connection Streamplayer test.  Streaming problem has been corrected.  The problem was with the DSL Network Connection.  Connection problem was corrected and Beta Test will resume today.  Thanks to for their quick response in helping us resolve our streaming problem.  E. S. Ray Webmaster @ WBFJ.
bullet01-04-02 - Beta Tester - Pass I like the player Complaint
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90; Q312461) 04 Jan 2002 Comments: The music isn't really clear. It has static in the sound. Good enough to listen to. I will be listening to it some.
bullet01-04-02  - Beta Tester- Pass I like the player Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x 4.90) Comments: I Love to be able to hear you from anywhere now. God bless WBFJ
bullet01-05-02 - Beta Tester - Pass I like the player Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; AOL 7.0; Windows 98 Comments:  it loaded REAL FAST with AOL 7.0 Awesome!
bullet01-05-02 - Beta Tester - Pass I like the player. Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) Praise.  Comments: You have a great station.  God's been really good to you all.
bullet01-07-02- Beta Tester - Pass I like the player.  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) Comments: Place a bookmark on the player page!!
bullet01-07-02 - Beta Tester - Pass I like the player. Praise. Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows 98; Compaq) Comments: Praise God! We are so excited to be able to listen to you guys over here in Belgium! What a Blessing! We Love You All! Tim, Jody, Zach, Emma and ?
bullet01-07-02 - Beta Tester - Pass. I like the player. Praise.  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98; Win 9x  Comments: Could not get WBFJ on regular radio in our building. This is a blessing.
bullet01-08-02 -Webmaster - Final Stages of testing.  Some testers still say the are having a some static, but they say it loads fast and is great listening to.  In the future the final version of the player will show title and names of artist song playing in the player?
bullet01-11-02 - Webmeister- Yahoo!! FINAL DAY OF TESTING! -Check back later to show the grade that I THE WEBMEISTER have given the WBFJ Streaming Audio Player.  He! He!  

Sid The Weather Dog!
Webmaster @ WBFJ.  Copyright © 1999-2001 []. All rights reserved.